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近日,司法鉴定科学研究院严慧课题组许琳灏老师,使用IPHASE品牌产品:人肝微粒体在《Journal of Analytical Toxicology》权威期刊上发表文章《In vitro and in vivo metabolic study of three new psychoactive β-keto-arylcyclohexylamines 》,影响因子2.5!



Since the 2000s, an increasing number of new psychoactive substances have appeared on the illicit drug market. β-ketoarylcyclohexylamine compounds play important pharmacological roles in anesthesia; however, because these new psychoactive substances have rapidly increasing illicit recreational use, the lack of detailed toxicity data are of particular concern. Therefore, analysis of their metabolites can help forensic personnel provide references and suggestions on whether a suspect has taken an illicit new psychoactive β-keto arylcyclohexylamine. The present study investigated the in vitro and in vivo metabolism and metabolites of three β-ketoarylcyclohexylamines: deschloro-N-ethyl-ketamine, fuoro-N-ethyl-ketamine and bromoketamine. In vitro and in vivo models were established using zebrafsh and human liver microsomes for analysis of Phase I and Phase II metabolites by liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry. Altogether, 49 metabolites were identifed. The results were applied for the subject urine samples of known fuoro-N-ethyl ketamine consumer screen analysis in forensic cases. Hydroxy-deschloro-N-ethyl-ketamine, hydroxy-fuoro-N-ethyl-ketamine and hydroxy-bromoketamine were recommended as potential biomarkers for documenting intake in clinical and forensic cases.



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